WordPress database error: [Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY']
INSERT INTO wpeo_actionscheduler_actions ( `hook`, `status`, `scheduled_date_gmt`, `scheduled_date_local`, `schedule`, `group_id`, `priority`, `args` ) SELECT 'wpforms_email_summaries_fetch_info_blocks', 'pending', '2024-07-22 18:07:01', '2024-07-22 18:07:01', 'O:32:\"ActionScheduler_IntervalSchedule\":5:{s:22:\"\0*\0scheduled_timestamp\";i:1721671621;s:18:\"\0*\0first_timestamp\";i:1721671621;s:13:\"\0*\0recurrence\";i:604800;s:49:\"\0ActionScheduler_IntervalSchedule\0start_timestamp\";i:1721671621;s:53:\"\0ActionScheduler_IntervalSchedule\0interval_in_seconds\";i:604800;}', 2, 10, '{\"tasks_meta_id\":null}' FROM DUAL WHERE ( SELECT NULL FROM DUAL ) IS NULL

Departments – TUME YA MADINI


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The management team of the Commission is headed by Executive Secretary (ES). The ES exercise supervisory powers over the management of officers and staff of the Commission, and be responsible for the day to day management of the affairs of the Commission and carrying out directives of the Commission.

The Commission is comprised of four (4) Departments and 12 Sections as follows: – Mines Inspectorate and Environment Department with three Sections; Mineral Rights and Information Systems Department with two Sections; Mineral Audit and Trade Department with three Sections; and Corporate Services Department with four Sections.


The Mines Inspectorate and Environment Department introduced to carry out inspections, investigations, audit and monitoring of health, safety and environmental issues related to mining operations for safe working environment and environmental protection. This Department comprise of Inspectorate Section; Explosives Management Section; and Environment Section. The Department is headed by the Director who is assisted by Managers for each section.


  • To monitor and audit environmental performance of mining entities to ensure compliance as per existing legislations;
  • To verify environmental budgets and expenditures, rehabilitation and mine closure costs incurred by mining entities;
  • To inspect mining operations;
  • To conduct investigations and enquiries of mining accidents and incidences;
  • To scrutinize and approve designs for mines, processing plant and related structures; and
  • To ensure safety in manufacturing, handling, transportation, storage, usage, export and import of explosives in relation of mining activities.

1.1 Inspectorate Section

This section performs the following activities:-

  • Inspect mines for safe working and occupational health in compliance with safety regulations;
  • Inspect and ensure orderly exploitation and exploration and optimal utilization of mineral resources;
  • Inspect and approve designs for mine, plants and related structures and mine closure plans;
  • Scrutinize and approve special rules made by Mine Managers for maintenance of order, discipline and prevention of accidents in the mines;
  • Conduct investigations and inquiries of mining accidents and incidences and prepare reports;
  • Oversee and coordinate activities of Inspectors of Mines in the country; and
  • Develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation of mines inspection guidelines and standards.

1.2 Explosive Management Section

This section performs the following activities:-

  • Facilitate issuance of all licenses, permits and certificates related to explosives;
  • Safety inspection of licensed explosives premises to ensure compliance with the laws and approval of applications for construction of explosives storage facilities and manufacturing;
  • Oversee destruction of expired and damaged explosives and blasting accessories; and
  • Facilitate collection of Government revenue from explosives dealings.

1.3 Environment Section

This section performs the following activities:-

  • Monitor and audit environmental performance of mining entities;
  • Verify budgets and actual expenditures incurred by mines on environmental conservation activities;
  • Review mine closure plan and associated costs;
  • Participate in the administrative and consultative process for establishment, review and return of rehabilitation bonds;
  • Assess the adequacy of environmental rehabilitation bond secured by the Government as per existing legislation;
  • Verify on-site environmental rehabilitation activities and associated costs to assess value for money; and
  • Initiate and facilitate research in mining environmental management.


The Mineral Licensing and Information Systems Department administer mineral licenses/permits, certificates and facilitate comprehensive data collection and dissemination. It comprises with Mining Cadastre Section; and Information Systems Management Section. The Department is headed by the Director who is assisted by Managers for each section.


  • To ensure orderly exploration and exploitation of mineral resources in the country;
  • To install, manage, maintain and ensure proper functioning of the Mining Cadastre Information Management System;
  • To issue, suspend and revoke mineral rights, licenses and permits;
  • To secure a firm basis for comprehensive data collection, interpretation and dissemination on mineral resources to ensure effective exploration and exploitation; and
  • To administer information systems in line with e-Government policies.

2.1 Mining Cadastre Section

This section performs the following activities:-

  • Issue, revoke and suspend licenses, permits and certificates of mining activities;
  • Facilitate collection of Government revenue from Mineral Rights holders;
  • Facilitate resolution of disputes arising out of mining activities;
  • Monitor all licenses issued to ensure general compliance of laws and terms and conditions of Mineral Rights, and the approved programmes are executed;
  • Prepare periodic information on mineral rights and manage the flow of information between the Central Register and Sub-Registers in the Resident Mines Offices;
  • Monitor and manage relinquished areas under Prospecting Licenses and identify and propose areas for demarcation for small scale miners; and
  • Maintain public cadastral map and cadastral registers.

2.2 Information Systems Management Section

This section performs the following activities:-

  • Identify and analyse Information and Communication Technology (ICT) needs for the Commission and develop technological solutions;
  • Prepare and supervise implementation of ICT policy of the commission in line with e-Government policy, laws and regulations;
  • Control security aspects of data and information systems;
  • Develop and administer guidelines for capture, storage and retrieval of data;
  • Coordinate and oversee design, maintenance and modification of information systems;
  • Oversee development of programmes, methodologies, applications and tools for analyzing and presenting data;
  • Prepare, interpret and analyse mineral data to ensure accuracy and accessibility of information;
  • Oversee the provision of training for users regarding ICT; and
  • Manage integration of information systems with other Government institutions.


The Mineral Audit and Trade Department aims to audit financial, local contents, minerals production and sales; manage minerals trade and counteract minerals smuggling. The department comprises with Financial Audit, Tax Review and Local Content Section; Mineral Audit and Laboratory Services Section; and Mineral Trade Section. It is headed by the Director who is assisted by Managers for each section.


  • To monitor and audit quality and quantity of minerals produced and sold by large, medium and small scale miners;
  • To audit exploration cost, capital investment, revenue generated and operating expenditure of the mining entities;
  • To analyse minerals samples, sort and assess values of minerals produced by large, medium and small scale miners;
  • To counteract minerals smuggling, minerals royalty evasion, manage minerals trade and operations of all Minerals and Gem Houses; and
  • To audit local contents and Corporate Social Responsibility actual performance against the approved plans; and verify CSR compliance with regards to disclosure requirements.

3.1 Financial Audit, Tax Review and Local Content Section

This section performs the following activities:-

  • Audit exploration cost, capital investment, revenue generated and operating expenditure of the mining entities;
  • Examine and monitor implementation of feasibility reports for existing and upcoming mining projects, and Mineral Development Agreements (MDAs);
  • Verify forecasted capital investment for the purpose of ascertaining mis-invoicing or any other form of malpractice by mineral rights holder;
  • Perform financial modeling for existing and upcoming mining projects;
  • Supervise and audit the implementation of local content plans and corporate social responsibility by Mineral right holders;
  • Counteract illicit financial flows and fiscal evasion in the mining sector;
  • Audit mining entities, dealers and brokers financial and tax records to facilitate collection of Government revenues;
  • Perform comprehensive tax analysis of the mineral sector and advise on appropriate measures;
  • Audit local contents and Corporate Social Responsibility actual performance against the approved plans;
  • Verify CSR and local content compliance with regards to disclosure requirements;
  • Organize and conduct awareness program and sensitization to the local entities regarding opportunities available in the mining value chain in collaboration with relevant stakeholders; and
  • Collect CSR and local content performance data for publicity to promote transparency and stimulate compliance.

3.2 Minerals Audit and Laboratory Services

This section performs the following activities:-

  • Plan, develop and coordinate minerals production monitoring strategies;
  • Analyse minerals samples, sort and assess values of minerals produced by large, medium and small scale miners;
  • Carry out sampling of mineral for analysis;
  • Perform monitoring and auditing of minerals produced by miners;
  • Provide commercial laboratory services to mineral explorers, miners, mineral traders, dealers, brokers, buyers and exporters;
  • Prepare, review and implement policies and strategies of minerals valuation and analysis;
  • Develop, maintain and review quality control standards;
  • Formulate and review laboratory safety regulations and procedures; and
  • Provide technical input to the National Gold and Gemstones reserve.

3.3 Mineral Trade Section

This section performs the following activities:-

  • Facilitate collection of Government revenues from mineral trade;
  • Manage and control minerals trade and operations of all Minerals and Gem Houses, which comprise of the Mineral Auction Centers, the Mineral Exchange, and the Mineral Clearing Houses;
  • Conduct sorting and valuation of minerals produced by large, medium and small scale miners and provide identification certificate, export or import permit, Kimberley Process Certificate and other necessary documents;
  • Provide indicative prices for minerals produced in the country;
  • Implement minerals valuation guidelines, regulations and procedures;
  • Counteract minerals smuggling and royalty evasion in collaboration with relevant authorities to monitor mineral exports and imports; and
  • Initiate and facilitate research on minerals valuation and advise


The Corporate Service Department provides services on finance and accounts, human resources and administration, communications and public relations, research and planning services to the Commission. The department comprises with Finance and Accounts Section; Administration and Human Resources Management Section; Research and Planning Section; and Communication and Public Relations Section. The Department is headed by the Director who is assisted by Managers for each section


  • To provide financial management and accounting services to the Commission;
  • To provide advice on matters related to human resources management and administration;
  • To provide services in research, planning and project implementation; and
  • To provide services in information, communication and dialogue with public and media.

4.1 Finance and Accounts Section

This section performs the following activities:-

  • Collect and manage revenues according to regulations and guidelines;
  • Maintain sound accounting and financial management system;
  • Maintain and update non-current assets register;
  • Monitor implementation of budget and its allocations;
  • Custodian of all accountable documents;
  • Handle all payments and retirements; and
  • Prepare final accounts and other financial reports.

4.2 Administration and Human Resources Management Section

This section performs the following activities:-

  • Interpret and ensure adherence to Public Service Regulations, Standing Orders and other Labour laws;
  • Facilitate employee relations and welfare including health, safety, sports and culture;
  • Provide registry, courier services; and manage office records;
  • Handle protocol matters;
  • Facilitate provision of security services, transport and general utilities;
  • Facilitate maintenance of office equipment, buildings and grounds;
  • Coordinate implementation of ethics and value promotion activities;
  • Coordinate implementation of diversity issues; Private Sector Participation, Business Process Improvement and Client Service Charter;
  • Advise on organizational efficiency of the Commission;
  • Carry out human resources planning and development;
  • Coordinate staff recruitment, selection, placement, confirmation, promotions and transfers;
  • Prepare Annual Personnel Emolument Estimates and administer salaries and process payroll;
  • Coordinate implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS);
  • Oversee employee’s benefits (pension, allowances etc.) and entitlements;
  • Oversee services related to separation from the service (retirement, resignation, etc.); and
  • Serve as a Secretariat support to the Appointment, Training and other ad hock Committees.

4.3 Research and Planning Section

This section performs the following activities:-

  • Coordinate preparation and implementation of Commission’s strategic and action plans;
  • Coordinate preparation of commission’s plans and budget;
  • Carry out monitoring and evaluation of Commission’s plans and budgets, and prepare periodic performance reports;
  • Carry out research and impact studies for making informed decisions on the future direction of the Commission.

4.4 Communication and Public Relations Section

This section performs the following activities:-

  • Plan, develop and implement Commission’s public relations strategy;
  • Coordinate preparation and dissemination of information;
  • Coordinate press briefings for the Commission;
  • Engage in dialogue with the Public, Stakeholders and media; and
  • Conduct public awareness activities through media, trade fairs, workshops, exhibitions and other channels.
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